Every day is a new beggining, every minute a new opportunity, do not abandon the fight, no matter how viciously they hit you, how much uglyness they show you. That much you too should persevere, never surrender, no matter the reason, fight like a lion who knows that victory is the only choice. You only lose if you quit.
Christofer Tornaritis
Christofer Tornaritis was born on the 14th of June 1966 in Nicosia. Grandson of the first Attorney General of the Republic of Cyprus, Kriton Tornaritis.
He attended for two years the Elementary School of Chrysi Akti in Famagusta and after the Turkish invasion the Lykavittos Elementary School in Nicosia.

Trapped in my own body I stare at him. He sits as if lost in a room, where the worst kind of people squeezed in. His look reminds nothing the person I onced admired, as if it is soulless, an object worth nothing. His glassy, wild stare, looks like a Demon’s
“How have you become like this?” I see your pain, the one that no one else sees, and your shame, which you have learned well to hide. I know you because I am you.
Suddenly inside me a pale voice whispers a great “why”. I feel you, desparetly looking for help, someone to pay attention to you, to hold you tight in their arms, someone to lave you, never to leave you again. You need your voice to be heard as you must speak, shout – but you can not.
Your moment is upon you. Enough! Forgive them, they do not know what they are doing. Leave it all behind you and live.. Fight Spread your wings.
And to me, here in lonliness’ darkness, who I await for so many years, give me a promise, never again will you surrender – to nobody and for anything.
You only lose when you stop to hope!